3-Use of UES and Technical Issues
You must be logged in to the UES to see the lessons you are teaching from a distance. Once you have logged in to the UES, you can see a list of all the classes assigned to you on the first popup screen under "My Lessons". This list is taken directly from BYS.Therefore, no instructors are assigned manual lessons. Your lessons that do not appear in this area are not visible because the UPDATED course option is not enabled in BYS. Activities at UES (excluding live lessons) can be created and organized by the instructor of that course. Teachers are responsible for managing the activities. The University of Marmara has no responsibility for the creation of activities by the faculty of the Centre for Applied and Research in Distance Education. However, the centre is responsible for providing teachers with the necessary infrastructure for healthy activity and for solving technical problems that teachers may encounter. At UES there are Task, Exam, Forum, Document, Survey, Video, Link, Virtual Classroom (Live Class) activities. Each course assigned to you at UES is handled with the simultaneous participation of the instructor and the students of that course. Each week, on the day and time specified in the BYS curriculum, teachers and students can meet in a pre-added Virtual Classroom (live class) session to communicate voice and video. These live classes are automatically recorded by the system and subsequently recorded live lessons can be watched. Instructors can attend all classes in the virtual classroom only via UES. After logging in to the UES, first open the relevant course page to attend live classes in the virtual classroom. On the page that opens, click on the name of the activity that started in the status section of the relevant week. Automatically switching from UES to Virtual Class software. If there is a large number of activities on the course page, you can only filter using the Week/Activity/Mixed/Unit button at the top left of the course to display the Virtual Class activities. * If we're going to sort the items you need to review; Internet Explorer After logging in to the Information Management System (BYS), instructor and students can view the virtual classroom curricula from the Curriculum tab on the left menu. If the virtual class activity in the BYS curriculum has been added to the UES, the relevant information on the class activity can be accessed from the calendar section. In addition to the weekly virtual class activities on the class page, you can see the start and end dates and times. Teachers can also announce class hours by making an announcement. Students can follow the courses announcement from the announcements tab on the UES. After clicking on the Manage Branches button on the right side of the course page, the instructor can open the Branch Listing page and see a list of all users registered in the currently selected branch and in the student role. This list contains the names, surnames, email addresses, roles and last login information of users.For courses with more than one branch, the branch selection should be made before the List of Branches. In this direction, only the list of students registered in the selected branch is displayed on the Branch Registered Students page. No branch selection is required for courses consisting of a single branch. Information belonging to the teachers of the courses decided to be given through distance learning is transferred directly from BYS to the UES. Because the classes cannot be assigned manually, only the teachers defined in the BYS are assigned as instructors for each class in the UES. Instructors can report by clicking on the Report button in the “Actions” menu under the weekly virtual class activity on the lesson page. Reporting The report received for each virtual class activity should be done separately for each branch if you have more than one branch. The virtual class report page shows students' viewing statistics, virtual class entry numbers, and activity completion status. The curricula are carefully designed taking into account the UES capacity, the simultaneous Virtual Class load of the system and the number of simultaneus online users. To enable the entire university to make the most of the UES, starting early to the virtual classroom, starting late, or extending the course to the next part of the course can affect the intensity of the lesson before or after you, and make the system worse. That is why it is important for the UES to be able to work in a healthy way that teachers act in accordance with the curriculum as much as possible. The number of downloads determines how many times a student can change the task file that he or she has uploaded to the system. So when you give 5 upload rights for the Task activity, students have the right to delete the task they have loaded to the system 5 times by the last delivery date and then install a new one instead. This attribute can be thought of as a kind of number of to-do corrections for students. Students can load only one document at a time on the task loading page, so they can use compression programs (Winrar, Winzip, etc.) to load their documents into a single file if they need to load more than one document. In this context, mobile document compression applications are available for students using mobile devices. In order to solve this problem, you should notify UZEM of the name, date, time and class of the activity you have deleted by opening a new request from the help desk in the UES. Also bear in mind that the technical team will be contacted for a solution and results may not be obtained immediately in terms of workload intensity. By the time specified in the BYS and UES, your students are required to take the exam or upload their assignments. You don't need to be active on your system. However, it may be useful to check the processing of an examination from time to time in order to track the immediate returns of examination questions. Click here to access the PDF material containing the steps for opening exams with additional time on UES for academic staff. NOTE: Exams with additional time are used in cases such as providing special exams for disabled students, granting special exam opportunities for students with valid excuses, and similar situations.
Computer or mobile device (Telephone or Tablet):
If you don't have a computer and a mobile device, it's not a thing. As a virtual classroom instructor, if you plan to broadcast live using one of these devices, the device you buy or use must have a certain power.
You must meet the following minimum system requirements for a seamless live lecture or conference. If you're trying to do live lessons with a system that's less than the system's requirements, you may experience errors in the live lesson or you may not be able to do the live class
**How Should My Computer System Be?
RAM Power
Newly developed operating systems, software, and especially browser software, are consuming a significant amount of RAM from your system. You need “8 GB RAM” capacity for a well-performing, trouble-free live broadcast. With the remaining RAM size below this, when the system and scanners consume RAM, you may end your live broadcast or start experiencing freezes when your RAM is completely exhausted.
Processor Power
Again, you need some processing power to run the operating system and software running on your computer, such as RAM. To perform these tasks, you need to have a processor on your computer with at least four-core 1.5 GHz processing power, which will be sufficient in your live lessons.
Display Card Power
The module that allows your computer to process images is called a graphics card. The size of your graphics card is 2 GB of RAM and the memory speed is 7000 MHz, which will provide enough power for your image processing.
Fixed Driver
Even if the fixed drive is not the main factor, the speed and free space capacity of your hard drive can be a significant problem. If you leave your hard drive with 10 GB of free space at all times, you will have a problem.
** How should phones and tablets be?
Tablets and phones are devices that come as packaged products for you. If you have a mobile device with 3 GB of RAM and a four-core 1.2 GHz processor, you may have a problem with live learning.
There's electricity on this list. Because trainers who want to do a virtual classroom may want to make a live session, relying on the device's battery from a mobile device or a laptop.
These mobile devices are likely to reduce system features as battery power decreases. In the event that the device's properties are weakened, the live lesson will be negatively affected. We recommend that you try to give live lessons from an electrically connected device for all times.
Internet connection
Internet connection is the third most important element of the system. For a healthy live lesson, your download and upload speed should be at least 2 Mbit/s bandwidth. When downloading and uploading is slow, the quality of your live lesson will decrease. Most importantly, you may encounter freezes and cuts.
We always recommend that the instructor and participants of the live lesson have Internet speeds of at least 2 Mbit/s. If you can't catch this speed, or the majority of your users cannot catch that speed, instead of screen sharing, we recommend that you only share audio from your microphone instead of sharing document (PDF) and sharing your webcam image and voice.
Audio output device (Speaker or Headset)
An audio output device is the device you need to have a speaker or headphone, to listen to other instructors and users who will participate in the session with sound, or to hear the sound of a video you're going to turn on.
Audio input device (Mikrofon)
One of the main requirements of live broadcasting is the microphone. Before the live broadcast, make sure that the end of your microphone is always attached to the entrance of your device. Before starting the live broadcast, check your microphone from the operating system's audio recorder and the live lesson app.
Once you're sure it's working, you can start the live broadcast.
Browsers are software that has existed since the birth of the Internet. But you know, as the dynamics of the system change every day, so do the scanner dynamics. For example, by the end of 2020, Flash Player support has ceased, and so your browser will not run Flash-supported applications. Keeping your browser up-to-date will keep you up to date with changing technology dynamics.
Let's Use a Modern Internet Browser
For desktop and mobile devices with Windows operating system, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers provide the most compatible experience.
For desktop and mobile devices with Linux and Android operating systems, Google Chrome and Chromium-based browsers provide the most compatible experience.
You can also use Safari for mobile devices (IPhone and IPad) with Google Chrome IOS 12.0 or later for Apple desktop devices with MacOS Other modern browsers. However, you may not be able to use functions that other browsers do not support.
Mouse and keyboard
Check your pre-session mouse and keyboard, which are the environment units you use very often, to make sure that the working functions are performed.
The mouse and keyboard work smoothly and you'll have a problem.
Up-to-date operating system and software
Keep your operating system, software and browser up to date to make your live lesson healthier.
Updates will fix existing software errors and make your computer work better.
Important: You should not miss browser updates in particular. As virtual class software is a platform that runs through a browser, virtual classware is also evolving as browser technologies evolve. If the software is not updated, it can cause crashes. That is why we recommend that you keep your browsers updated at all times.
Virtual Class System Control
Don't start the lesson before the Virtual Class system is checked. In the System Control section, you can control your status, camera, audio, microphone and connection.
STATE: The status section is where you have information about what properties you can use during a session.
CAMERA: The camera part is a part of the computer that contains a list of existing cameras and can be tested to determine whether the camera is working.
SOUND: The sound section is the part where the sound from the speaker is tested.
Microphone: The microphone compartment is the part where the list of existing microphones on the computer is listed and it is tested whether or not they work.
CONNECT: The connection part is the part where the computer's internet connection is tested.Please CHECK to access our instructors' elaborate paper on how to use the Distance Learning System.
Please CHECK to access our instructor' prepared paper on how to take the online exam in the Distance Learning System.
Please CHECK to access the updated folder on how our instructors can add the Test-File (Task) activity to the Remote Learning System.
This page updated by Online Ders Platformu on 29.09.2023 16:07:51